- September 2009
- Pago Pago Tsunami, Sailday Photos, John Myles, DLNR Nonsense, Her Point of Sail, Asylum Update...
- August 2009
- Hurricane Season, Board News, Sailing 101 photos, Her Point of Sail, Safety Boat Crew Wanted...
- July 2009
- Our happy 4th of July, Sailday photos, Cruising to Majuro, Terry Larson-Skipper in the Spotlight...
- June 2009
- Summer Sailing, Her Point of Sail, Melekai's Golden Voyage, Captain Kiko-Skipper in the Spotlight...
- May 2009
- Faiaoahe's Voyage, Exciting Times, Sailing Photos, Lavonne Stewart-Skipper in the Spotlight...
- April 2009
- Faiaoahe Arrives from Mexico, Dancer update...
- March 2009
- Sailing photos, Scuttlebutt, David Beardsley-Skipper in the Spotlight...
- February 2009
- An Evening of Gratitude, The Wreck of the Horus, Sailing photos...
- January 2009
- A stormy new year, buying a cruiser, 101 and workday photos, etc...
- December 2008
- New Commodore's Comments, Holidaay Potluck photos and more...
- September 2008
- Commodore Comments, Racing Results...
- August 2008
- The Ingrid 38, "Faiaohe", Private Dancer Update...
- March 2008
- Sailday pictures, lessons learned on the Kona side...
- February 2008
- Important info for 2008, sailday and workday pictures...
- January 2008
- Important info for 2008, sailday and christmas party pictures...
- December 2007
- Last Paper Issue, new board members, classes, pictures...
- November 2007
- Private Dancer in Kona, Big Boat Skipper Classes.
- October 2007
- October Updates
- September 2007
- September Updates
- August 2007
- New Newsletter Editors, Dick Cohen-Skipper in the Spotlight
- July 2007
- Work Day Thanks, Club Site at Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Park, Kama'aina Kids, Lots of Photos
- June 2007
- Work Day Thanks, Volunteers, Bigger Boat Sailing Qualifications and Requirements, Another International Folkboat
- May 2007
- Work Day Thanks, Volunteers, Hobie 16 "Getaway" skippers, Thank you for the Wharram 23 "Wei Ji"
- April 2007
- Work Day Thanks, Volunteers, Club Site
- March 2007
- Work Day Thanks, Club Site at Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Park, Sunfish Fiberglass Repair 101
- February 2007
- Work Day Thanks, Skills Building Race, Mystery of "Windsong"
- January 2007
- Club Potluck, Sail Days, Yacht Club Site
- December 2006
- Christmas Party Gift Exchange, News about "Cheers", What's up with the West Wight?
- November 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Two West Wight Potters
- October 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Donation of 26' Foot Sloop Windsong, Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Park - Club Site
- September 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Name That Boat Contest
- August 2006
- Sunfish/Walker Bay Raccing, Racing 101, Folkboat Fund Raising
- July 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Name That Boat Contest
- June 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Request for Donations to Purchase Cheers
- May 2006
- West Wight "Makani Kai", Park Update, Sunfish Repair 101
- April 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Request for Donations to Purchase Folkboat
- March 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Daniel Starsong-Skipper in the Spotlight
- February 2006
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Alicia Starsong-Skipper in the Spotlight
- January 2006
- West Wight Potter 19 Moves, Chyleks and Chylkovas are 2005 Award Winners, Hilo Sailing Org/WWP Sail Day
- December 2005
- Monthly Sail & Potluck
- November 2005
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Sunfish Racks & Boxes, Tereza Chylkova Wins September Sunfish Races
- September/October 2005
- Tereza Chylkova Wins September Sunfish Races, Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Park Update
- August 2005
- Sunfish Racks and Yacht Boxes, Park Update, Culture of Care, Yacht Club and YMCA Sail Days
- July 2005
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Jibing and Tacking Diagrams
- June 2005
- Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Park Update, John Luchau-Skipper in the Spotlight, How Can I Sail These Boats?
- May 2005
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Step to Qualify to Sail the West Wight Potter
- April 2005
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, West Wight Potter
- March 2005
- New Yacht Club Site-Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Park, Kim Magnuson-Skipper in the Spotlight, What is Hilo Sailing Org?, Fifth Anniversary
- February 2005
- Monthly Sail & Potluck
- January 2005
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Letter from John and Maureen Gapp in Thailand
- December 2004
- Christmas Party, Jon Olson-Skipper in the Spotlight, Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Park, Farewell to Rees-Schotte Family
- November 2004
- Aloha From Moloka'i-Connie and Richard Messina, News from Barry and Pat Bolln Cruising in Canada
- October 2004
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, News from Barry and Pat Bolln Cruising in Canada
- September 2004
- Sunfish Volunteers, New Yacht Club Site, John Messina of "Cheers"-Skipper in the Spotlight, Race Memories
- August 2004
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, YMCA and Na Hoa Holomoku Working Together
- June 2004
- Wailoa Dry Storage-Closes July 1, Ed Ha of the good ship "Pueo"-Skipper in the Spotlight, Name that West Wight Potter
- May 2004
- Monthly Sail & Potluck
- April 2004
- Monthly Sail & Potluck
- March 2004
- NHH and YMCA Host Sunfish State Championship, Roy and Allie Forbes-Skippers in the Spotlight, Sail Training Vessel "Irving Johnson" in Hilo
- February 2004
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Recognized as Official Sunfish Fleet, Kealakekua Bay Rescue
- Jaunuary 2004
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Christmas Parade Pictures, Christmas Party Pictures, Award Results
- December 2003
- Early Winter Storm, Commodore Larry Peck-Skipper in the Spotlight, Fall 2003 Sailng Season Photos
- November 2003
- Monthly Sail & Potluck, Boat Ramp News
- October 2003
- Barry Bolln Annual Hands Across the Island Invitational and Potluck
- September 2003
- Reeds Bay Property, Nick Rees-Skipper in the Spotlight, August Supplement
- June 2003
- Reeds Bay Property, New Club Sunfish, Sunfish Maintenance, Barry and Pat Bolin of "Pacific Voyager"-Skipper in the Spotlight
- May 2003
- Potluck, Garage Sale, Sunday Workday
- April 2003
- Potluck, Garage Sale, Star Gypsy Seals the Show
- March 2003
- Yacht Club/YMCA "Sailing Season" a Grand Success, Naupaka, Yacht Club Site, Club History
- February 2003
- From our Commodore, From Nick
- January 2003
- Learn to Sail, Third Place in Christmas Parade, Another Rescue
- Volume 3, Issue 4 - Dec 2002
- Commodore's Corner, All Women!, Notes from YMCA, Recommended Bylaw Changes
- Volume 3, Issue 3 - Aug 2002
- Naupaka, The French's Blue Sailing, Commodore's Corner, Sailing Daze
- Volume 3, Issue 2 - Apr 2002
- Boating Emergency Reponse Team, Racing News, Flying Clound on the Rocks
- Volume 3, Issue 1 - Jan 2002
- Christmas Party, Annual Membership Meeting
- Volume 2, Issue 12 - Dec 2001
- Instructor Candidates Prepare for Kawaihae
- Volume 2, Issue 11 - Nov 2001
- Mooring Alert, 500 yard security zone, New Moon Regatta
- Volume 2, Issue 10 - Oct 2001
- Equinox Race
- Volume 2, Issue 9 - Sep 2001
- Father and Son Sail the Kona Coast, Calendar of Events, Shipmate News
- Volume 2, Issue 8 - Aug 2001
- Voyage of the "Feathered Serpent III"
- Volume 2, Issue 7 - Jul 2001
- A Wake Up Call, Fishing Tournament, Club Officer Bios
- Volume 2, Issue 6 - Jun 2001
- Cinco de Mayo Regatta, Yacht Club/YMCA Partnership
- Volume 2, Issue 5 - May 2001
- Starting line tips, Yacht Club/YMCA, The Engine Quits, Kona Sailing Club
- Volume 2, Issue 4 - Apr 2001
- Boating Emergency Response Team
- Volume 2, Issue 3 - Mar 2001
- Na Hoa Holomuku's first regatta!, Regatta Photo Gallery, BERT is formed
- Volume 2, Issue 2 - Feb 2001
- Beware of February wind and surge. Dinghy Delights by John Luchau
- Volume 2, Issue 1 - Jan 2001
- Officers and directors elected
- Volume 1, Issue 1 - Dec 2000
- New club formed for Hilo sailors and boaters