Races will be held the second and fourth Sunday of each month, June through August; June 12, June 26, July 10, July 24, August 14 and August 28.
Please make sure you are familiar with the Notice of Race if you are planning to participate.
- The Notice of Race for 2016 Summer Dinghy Series.
- Sailing Instructions will be given at the skippers meeting on the day of each race.
Additional racing dates, practice dates and other training opportunities will be announced via e-mail.
Summer Racing Series Results
Summer Racing Series Overall Standings
For final ranking, skippers must complete 12 races and participate in 3 race days.
Fleet A
- First Place - Gary Morgan
- Second Place - Richard Greever
- Third Place - Peter Shumar
Fleet B
- First Place - Katja Krishok
- Second Place - Lori Berkey
- Third Place - Lahi Verschuur
The Na Hoa Holo Moku Champion of the Year Trophy goes to Gary Mrogan this year!
Slide Show of June 12, 2016 Races
You may need a high bandwidth connection to enjoy these.
Race #1
Race #2
Race #3
Race #4
Race #5
Race #6